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When the alarm went off, I said, “Okay number two.” I had drawn number three, so when Jill moved away, I intentionally stumbled, “Okay, M . . . I mean number three.” That drew giggles from the others, but they knew why I did it. When round three was over, I asked Tad, “So Tad, who is the winner?” We all assumed it would be Gina, but he old scandal surprised us by announcing “Number four” which was Deb. “And who is the runner up?” “Number three.” My heart almost jumped out of my chest. I even became slightly light headed. Finally, I grandma composed myself enough to ask him, “Do you need anything before granny we start the next contest?” He shrugged, “Maybe a beer.” I had barely touched mine, so I gave it to him. While he was drinking it, I explained what was going to happen next: “This next part is the ‘something special’ part for you. We stood there for granny a few moments breathing softly in tune together. I assured Dr. Ronda that she wouldn’t have any coffee until after the blood work is done. “Dina, my love, you look like hell, can I come in?” I waved him through. If I’d kept her with me, grandma we would both still be alive, but we might be in the hands of the Hunters. Veronika giggled as she replied, grasping his length and sliding forward so that Klaus’ length, guided by her hand was burrowed in the warmth of her cheeks. To be continued... “He’s gone. His cock slid easily into my pussy as I began to bounce up and down on his cock. Shirley's eyes went immediately to Matt's very apparent erection. If they did, they'd be in for old quite the view, my cock exposed, bouncing about for the world to see. "Remember what I said about cuddling?" Altogether, a most scandal unexpected by pleasurable forfeit. On a whim, I went to her Mental Menu. I bit my lip. I helped Lucy into the SUV as Marylou climbed into the rear seat.

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